Flow Rate Measurements: Introduction to Ultrasonic Flow Meter

5 Things About Ultrasonic Flow Meter And Why You Should Use It


There are different types of flow measurement. This includes Coriolis Meters, Vortex Meters, Magnetic Meters, Multiphase Meters, Turbine Meters, and Ultrasonic Meters.

In this post, we will list a few things you need to know about a volumetric flow meter —the Ultrasonic Meters. Here are 5 things you need to know about Ultrasonic Meters to help you determine if they are right for your needs.

1. Ultrasonic flowmeters use sound waves.

To determine the velocity of a fluid flowing in a pipe, Ultrasonic flowmeters use sound waves. They work by transmitting alternately and receiving a burst of ultrasound between the two transducers. They measure how long it takes for sound to travel between the two transducers in both directions.

2. No flow and flowing conditions.

The frequencies of an ultrasonic wave transmitted into a pipe and its reflections from the fluid are the same in the event where there are no flow conditions. On the other hand, in flowing conditions, the frequency of the reflected wave varies due to the Doppler effect.

3. They can be quite reliable.

The highly sophisticated design of Ultrasonic flow meters does not block the liquid flow, so they can be used for different liquids namely sanitary, corrosive, as well as abrasive. It can either be pricey or cost-effective depending on whether or not you have an in-house technician who can do maintenance and repair.

4. Maintenance can cost you a lot or save you a lot.

The cost of an Ultrasonic flow meter can be significantly higher when compared to the other types of mechanical flow meters because it needs an expert to repair and maintain it. But putting that aside, an ultrasonic flowmeter is inexpensive to use and maintain because of the absence of moving parts.

5. Working Principle and Bubbles.

Ultrasonic flow meters work using the transit-time differential method. This kind of measurement is based on a simple physical fact. However, when there are too many air bubbles, measurement is just not possible. Air bubbles are the nemesis of ultrasonic transducers. Using traditional Silicone sealant, just like what you would use for sealing windows, could also be used in an emergency.


We hope this helps you make an informed decision if an Ultrasonic FlowMeter is right for your needs.

Do you think an Ultrasonic FlowMeter can meet your needs?